10:00am at St George State Primary School Multi-Purpose Hall, Alfred Street (opposite Doctor's surgery) (click here for map) (bring smoko to share). During the message, Children aged from Kindy to Grade 6 can participate in the Bush Kids Sunday School.
5:00pm Cecil Plains, Catholic Church Hall. Contact Michael for more information.
10:00am at St George State Primary School Multi-Purpose Hall, Alfred Street (opposite Doctor's surgery) (click here for map) (bring smoko to share). During the message, Children aged from Kindy to Grade 6 can participate in the Bush Kids Sunday School.
10:00am at St George State Primary School Multi-Purpose Hall, Alfred Street (opposite Doctor's surgery) (click here for map) (bring smoko to share). During the message, Children aged from Kindy to Grade 6 can participate in the Bush Kids Sunday School.
9:00am Cecil Plains, Catholic Church Hall. Contact Michael for more information.
10:00am at St George State Primary School Multi-Purpose Hall, Alfred Street (opposite Doctor's surgery) (click here for map) (bring smoko to share). During the message, Children aged from Kindy to Grade 6 can participate in the Bush Kids Sunday School.
Ladies Bible Study (St George) Contact Robyn Brumpton for more details 46251006
Ladies Daytime Bible Study (St George) Contact Laura for more details 46253528
Men's Bible Study (Tuesdays 7:30pm, St George) Contact Michael Brumpton for more details 0427 625926